Klopotek Publishing Radio

From Voice-driven, Voice-oriented to Voice-first: How Voice AI Changes the Game for Publishing and Beyond – with Bradley Metrock

Episode Summary

Bradley Metrock, CEO of Project Voice, guests on this episode and speaks about how the emergence of voice technology and voice AI has been making a revolutionary impact on publishing and various industries. He also shares how his personal and professional experience revolves around the two fields of voice and publishing.

Episode Notes

**Who You’ll Hear**

Guest: Bradley Metrock (CEO of Project Voice)

Co-host: Luna Tang (Cloud Service Delivery Manager at Klopotek)

Co-host: Dwayne Parris (Senior Consultant at Klopotek)

The guest for this month is Bradley Metrock, CEO of Project Voice and General Partner of Project Voice Capital Partners, who joins us to discuss the ins and outs of voice technology. 

Bradley starts with sharing how his personal and professional experience revolves around voice technology, AI, and publishing, then makes an in-depth analysis of how the emergence and rise of voice technology and voice AI has been making a revolutionary impact on publishing and various industries.

In the end, Bradley recommends two events that voice AI and publishing practitioners would never want to miss out: Project Voice 2022 (April 25-28, 2022, in Chattanooga, Tennessee) and Digital Book World 2023 (Jan 16-18, 2023, in NYC). For more cutting-edge voice tech, please visit Project Voice and listen to his podcast This Week in Voice

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